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Master Biology-Health from Paris-Saclay University


The international Master's 2 GenE2 is aimed at students in Biology, Medicine, Pharmacy, or any other relevant scientific curriculum, who wish to acquire skills in the manipulation, processing and statistical analysis of high-throughput sequencing data.
This course is suitable for students interested in the concepts and technologies of genetics, genomics, epigenetics and epigenomics integrating structural, functional and evolutionary aspects.
The originality of this M2 is to integrate the recently developed technologies by combining them with a solid training in processing and analysis of high-throughput data including two practical workshops: ChIP-seq and Big Data.

The strengths and originality of the Master 2 GenE2:
  • Dual skills training: Biology and Data Analysis

  • A "ChIP-seq" workshop: A to Z realization of a chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment followed by Illumina sequencing

  • A "Big Data" workshop: a practical workshop for the analysis of NGS data, aimed at familiarizing students with the manipulation and exploitation of highthroughput sequencing data from genomics, epigenomics and transcriptomics. ..

  • Teaching units in the form of lectures in English given by specialists in each field

  • An internship of 6 months in a research team or in a company

  • A network of host laboratories in Ile-de-France, in France and abroad

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Educational objectives

The educational objectives of the Master 2 GenE2 are to train students in the concepts and technologies of genetics, genomics, epigenetics and epigenomics by integrating structural, functional and evolutionary aspects.

Beyond the description of mechanisms, it is also about understanding the processes that may have led to their emergence and evolution.


An originality of this course is to integrate the recently developed technologies by associating them with a solid training in processing and analysis of broadband data notably via two practical workshops: ChIp-seq and BigData.

Training for and by research of our program  includes the study of mechanisms of recombination, repair and replication, genomic variability and genomic bases of phenotypic variability, gene expression regulation, structural evolution and functional genomes, especially in an adaptation context, ...

One of the original features of our program is its integrated dimension, which makes it possible to integrate approaches ranging from the DNA molecule to the populations.

Educational objectives


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Applications for the Master2 GenE2 are made via the Paris-Saclay University Website.


Applications must be sent during these 2 periods:

  • from 03/03/2025 to 25/04/2025 for students applying to Paris-Saclay International Master's Scholarship and/or Eiffel Scholarship (see description below)

  • from 12/05/2025 to 27/06/2025 for others (French students)

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Research training combining lectures, conferences, practical workshops and sequence data analysis

Certification innovative course GS LSH Pari
A ChIP-seq workshop to design and perform a chromatin immunoprecipitation experiment 
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Our training was conceived in relation with the Paris-Saclay University laboratories whose research focuses on genomics, genetics, epigenetics, evolution, domains in "Omics", molecular ecology...

These internationally recognized teams are developing cutting-edge research and technologies.  

The lectures are given by internationally recognized researchers.


The Research-Teaching dialogue at the base of our program ensures the coherence of the training according to recent developments and the needs of academics research and R&D departments of private companies.

A BigData workshop for the analysis of high throughput sequencing data

A unique practical training in France!


  • From Designing a Sequencing Experiment to High-Speed Data Acquisition through a Chip-seq Practical Workshop

  • Presentation of the latest sequencing technologies

  • Introduction to high-speed data manipulation

  • Analysis and bioinformatic processing of data

  • Biostatistical analyzes of experiments

In 2026, the Master 2 GenE2 program is evolving!
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Two new teaching units will be introduced in 2026:

  • Metagenomics

Metagenomics is a technique that allows the study of microbial genomes directly from environmental samples, without requiring isolation or culture of microorganisms. Thanks to high-throughput sequencing technologies and advanced bioinformatics analyses, this approach is revolutionizing our understanding of microbial diversity and its roles in different ecosystems. Metagenomics allows us to explore microbial diversity: The majority of microorganisms cannot be cultured in the laboratory, so metagenomics provides access to the entire microbiome of a given environment (soil, ocean, human intestine, etc.). It allows us to study the symbiotic, competitive or pathogenic relationships between microbes and their hosts. By analyzing the human microbiota or natural ecosystems, this approach helps us understand the impact of diseases, pollutants or climate change on microbial communities.

Metagenomics is thus a powerful tool that transforms microbiology and opens up new perspectives in various fields, ranging from human health to ecology, including industry and agriculture.

  • Single-cell omics and spatial transcriptomics

scRNAseq, or single-cell RNA sequencing , is a major advancement in the field of genomics. This technique allows us to study gene expression at the level of an individual cell, providing a detailed view of cellular diversity and heterogeneity within a population. With scRNAseq, we can identify cell subpopulations, understand functional differences between them, and explore regulatory mechanisms at the cellular level.

Spatial transcriptomics allows the analysis of gene expression while preserving the spatial organization of cells in a tissue. Unlike classical transcriptomics, which dissociates cells and loses information on their location, this approach offers a more precise vision of biological processes in a tissue context. Thanks to spatial transcriptomics, it is possible to map gene expression in a tissue with fine resolution. It is now possible to study cellular heterogeneity, particularly in cancerology, neuroscience or immunology, while preserving the interactions between cells and their microenvironment.

These two recent technologies open up new perspectives for biomedical research, particularly in the study of tumor heterogeneity and the development of personalized treatments.

The new Master's program in 2026

 GenE2's teaching team

Team meeting

The GenE2 managers

- Prof. Sébastien BLOYER, I2BC

- Prof. Cécile FAIRHEAD, IDEEV


Secretary: Marion DIETRICH 

The GenE2 teaching team

- Emmanuelle BAUDRY

- Antoine BRANCA

- Stéphanie BURY-MONÉ


- Christine DILLMANN

- Pierre GROGNET

- Myriam HARRY

- Judith LEGRAND


- Anne LOPES


- Sophie NETTER

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Career opportunities and professional integration at the end of the Master GenE2

The PhD

After obtaining the Master's degree, graduates can pursue by a thesis by applying to a PhD contract from a doctoral school (Paris-Saclay or external), or from a 'PhD Track' program in France or abroad. 

Some labs or private companies can also fund a PhD on their own grants (SIFRE, ANR, ERC, FRM, ...)


Main markets

Basic or applied research in the academic sector

 (Paris-Saclay, ENS, Institut Pasteur, Institut Curie, Institut Jacques Monod, Génopole, ...) or R & D in a private company, in France or abroad. Engineer, research engineer, analyst, ...


Areas of research

Bioinformatics, data analysis, oncology, gene therapy, biotechnology, ecology, environment, genetic counseling, teaching, scientific watch, scientific communication, valorization ...


International track

Welcome to foreign students !

As part of the 'International Track' program of Paris-Saclay University we are happy to welcome foreign students in our training in English. 


Benefit from an international Paris-Saclay Master scholarship

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Université Paris-Saclay is intent on developing a proactive policy to attract national, EU and non-EU students. As such, successful candidates will need to pay the same tuition fees as that of national students without having to make any explicit appeal to this end.

Also, the Master registration fees are reduced: 250 € in 2024/2025 academic year (see


In addition, each student will have to pay a fee of 103 € as part of the Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC) (


These registration fees and taxes do not include social security and insurance costs.


Université Paris-Saclay aims to promote access for international students to its Master's programs, delivered by its member institutions, and to make it easier for highly-qualified international students to join the University.
More information:

Master's scholarships will be awarded for the 2025-2026 academic year.


Université Paris-Saclay aims to promote access for international students to its Master's programs.

Based on academic achievements, these scholarships are awarded for 1 or 2 years to students enrolled in a Master's program at Université Paris-Saclay.

  • Deadline for selection of candidates by the course leader: midnight 5 May 2025

  • After selection, deadline for scholarship applications: midnight 9 May 2025

  • Closure of the call (deadline for the 2 referees to return their recommendations): midnight 12 May 2025

  • Announcement of results: end of June 2025


Eiffel Scholarship


The call for Eiffel applications 2024 (academic year 2025/2026) coming soon.



The Eiffel programme is a scholarship programme run by the French Foreign Ministry in order to help French HEI to attract the top international students to Master's degrees and PhD programmes.


Paris-Saclay University accepts, supports and submits applications to Campus France.

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Until April 30, 2025


Developed by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the "France Excellence Europa" scholarship program allows students from 26 European Union countries to obtain scholarships to study at the Master's level in a French institution of higher education.

University Paris Saclay's

Located 30 km from the city center of Paris, the University Paris Saclay's campus is in the beautiful natural park of the Chevreuse Valley.

Easily accessible by public transport (RER, metro, bus) or by car.




Bâtiment/Bldg Henri Moissan

Bureau/Office 1226
1 avenue des Sciences - 91400 ORSAY
Tél. : 01 69 15 78 02 





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