The ChIP-seq workshop

This is a hands-on practical workshop. Each pair of attendees will do a chromatin immuno-precipitation.
Crosslink of the material
Extraction and fragmentation of the chromatin
Immunoprecipitation (of histone post-translational modifications or RNA polymerase)
Validation de l'enrichissement par qPCR
Sequencing banks will be prepared using partir des IPs with proper enrichment and yields.
All the theoretical and practical aspects of the ChIP-seq will be mentioned, from cell crosslink to the bioinformatics analysis
The practical aspects of the ChIP-seq will be introduced by researchers based in the I2BC.
This course will take place in the I2BC
Doing a tour of the high-throughput sequencing platform could be considered.

Figure 1: Word cloud obtained using the titles of reasearch articles found on Pubmed using "ChIP-seq" as a keyword
ChIP-seq experiment
The ChIP-seq is a molecular biology technique that allows the genome-wide study of DNA/protein interactions. It combines the immunoprecipitation of a protein of interest with the high-throughput sequencing of co-precipitated DNA fragments.

Figure 2: Epigenomics
Left: Nucleosome (PDB 1aoi)
Middle: Illumina sequencing slide
Right: Illumina High-throughput NextSeq 500 sequencer

Figure 3: ChIP-seq for H3K27me3 in drosophila S2 cells. The snapshot is centered on the Bithorax cluster that contains the 3 homeotic genes Ubx, Abd-A, and Abd-B. These genes are repressed in S2 cells and covered by H3K27me3.
Coordinates in Mb along the chr3R (dm6).
ChIP-seq organizers

The ChIP-seq workshop is sponsored and hosted by the Institute for Intergrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), in the CNRS campus of Gif-sur-Yvette.