Stability and Evolution of Genomes
25 hours / 3 ECTS

Led by specialists in the field and organized in the form of lectures and a personal work of the students on one of the topics addressed by the lecturers, this teaching unit is focused on the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in the stability of the genomes and those conferring their evolution. Another objective of this EU is as much to acquire and deepen knowledge seen in these areas as to perceive the synergy between the topics addressed. The lectures will focus on: 1) The structure and dynamics of chromosomes (chromosome organization, 3C, HiC, meiotic chromosome dynamics, DNA topology and 3R). 2) The mechanisms of repair and recombination (distribution of meiotic recombination events, regulation of the number of crossovers in meiosis), the programmed rearrangements of the genomes, the mechanisms of radio-resistance of microorganisms. Finally, another series of conferences will aim to present the different mechanisms that contribute to the evolution of genomes (Experimental Evolution, Supermutators, Genome Syntogeny, Old DNA, Real mutation rate - polymorphism and Equilibrium selection - drift).

Managers of the ' functional genomicsc ' teaching unit
Cécile Fairhead (Paris Saclay)
Fabrice Confalonieri (Paris-Saclay)
The speakers of 2020
Mireille Betermier (DR CNRS, I2BC)
Frédéric Boccard (DR CNRS, I2BC)
Céline Bon (MCF, Museum of Natural History)
Valérie Borde (DR CNRS, Institut Curie)
Gilles Fischer (DR CNRS, IBPS)
Guillaume Laval (CR CNRS, Institut Pasteur)
Dan Noordemeer (CR CNRS, I2BC)
Olivier Tenaillon (DR INSERM)
Denise Zickler (DR Emerite CNRS, I2BC)