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ncRNAs and Epigenetics

25 hours / 3 ECTS

This course will cover the principles of epigenetic control of gene expression and 3D chromatin structure across various model organisms.

Many biological processes involve epigenetic mechanisms: transcriptional regulation (i.e. histone code, DNA methylation ...), splicing, genome integrity and maintenance, genomic imprinting, X chromosome inactivation, stem cells pluripotency....

Lectures led by experts in the field, this teaching unit will deepen epigenetic concepts acquired in Master 1, particularly those involving non-coding RNAs in the mechanisms of epigenetic regulations, human diseases (cancer, metabolic and neurological diseases ...) and development. The role of these mechanisms in adaptation and evolution of populations and species to their (s) environment (s) via the trans-generational inheritance of epigenetic information, will also be addressed. 

What is epigenetics?

Epigenetics is the study of mitotically and / or meiotically heritable (but reversible) changes in gene (s) or genome functions that cannot be explained by changes in the DNA sequence in the absence of the factor (s) that induce these changes.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The video below produced by Edith Heard and Giacomo Cavalli describes the different facets of epigenetics:

'non-coding RNAs and Epigenetics' course

The speakers of 2022

  • Germano Cecere (Institut Pasteur, Paris)

  • Julie Chaumeil (Institut Cochin, Paris)

  • Vincent Collot (ENS, Paris)

  • Angélique Deleris (I2BC, Gif-sur-Yvette)

  • Maxim Greenberg (IJM, Paris)

  • Eric Meyer (ENS, Paris)

  • Laure Teysset (IBPS, Paris)

  • Reina Fernandez de Luco (Institut Curie Orsay)

  • Céline Vallot (Institut Curie, Paris)

The main themes developed this year will be the 3D genome, single cell epigenomic in cancer and transgenerational inheritance.

This year we are pleased to welcome Céline Vallot, researcher at Curie Insitute, as keynote speaker.

The Research - June 2019 - n ° 548

Prepare the lecture

A small group read the reviews and research papers provided by the speaker

You will be the chairman of the session!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • You will prepare a general 5 minute talk on the general theme developed by the speaker

  • Who is the speaker?

  • You prepare relevant questions, based on reviews and articles, that you will ask the speaker

The lecture: Be active!

The small group animate the debate between the speaker and the group

You are be the chairman of the session!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • You will present the basis of the theme that will be developed by the speaker

  • You will present the speaker to the audience (Who is he / she? Where does he / she work? What is he working on? What did he / she discover? ...

  • You ask first questions to the speakers

  • You animate the debate between the speaker and the audience

The examination

In pairs, you will develop and deepen an epigenetic theme that you have chosen during a one-day mini-symposium.

You are the speaker!

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

You will choose an epigenetic theme that you wish to present . Then you have 1 month to:

  • Search and read articles and reviews on this topic

  • Prepare an oral presentation of 10-15 minutes

  • Present your theme to the jury and your classmates

  • Answer the questions of the jury and your classmates

The teaching unit general Organization
What we expect from you !
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