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Master Gene2:





Master in Biology and Health - Paris-Saclay University

The GenE2 Master has two specificities that make it unique:

  • the integration of data at different scales from the genome to the population, which leads to the study of biological networks (gene networks, metabolic networks, etc.);

  • a "Big Data" workshop: practical bioinformatics workshop the objective of which is to familiarize students with the manipulation and use of high-speed data from genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metagenomics or metabolomics.

Science Lab
La programmation
Male Scientist
Pipetting Samples and Test Tube
Petri Dishes

Research training through research combining conferences, practical workshops and bioinformatics analyzes

BigData workshop for high-throughput sequencing data analysis

A unique practical training in France.

  • From designing a sequencing experiment to high-throughput data acquisition through a hands-on ChIP-seq workshop

  • Presentation of the latest sequencing technologies

  • Introduction to high-speed data manipulation

  • Bioinformatic data analysis and processing

  • Biostatistical analyzes of experiments

Teaching units

BigData and Practical Course (100 h / 12 ECTS)

non-coding RNAs and epigenetics (25 h / 3 ECTS)

Functional genomics (25 h / 3 ECTS)

Stability and evolution of genomes (25 h / 3 ECTS)

Genetics and genomics of populations (25 h / 3 ECTS)

Optional UEs (50 h / 6 ECTS to choose from)

UE Laboratory internship (6 months / 30 ECTS)

International track

Welcome to foreign students!

As part of the 'International Track' program of Paris-Saclay University we are happy to welcome foreign students in our training in English.



Applications for the Master 2 GenE2 are made via the Université Paris-Saclay website .

Registration will open in March 2020.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Applications for the Master 2 GenE2 are made via the Paris-Saclay University website .

Registrations will be opened in March 2020.




March 2020.jpg

The teaching team of the GenE2 Master

Réunion d'équipe

Those responsible for the GenE2 Master

- Prof. Pierre CAPPY, IDEEV


- Prof. Sébastien BLOYER, I2BC

The pedagogical team

- Dr Benoit Moindrot, I2BC
- Dr Pierre GROGNET
- Dr Sophie NETTER, UVSQ
- Prof. Fabrice CONFALONIERI, I2BC
- Dr Frédéric CRÉMAZY, UVSQ
- ...

Professeur Ecrire une formule sur un tab

Contact us

Teaching team of the Master 2 GenE2

91400 Saclay, France

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Événements à venir

Internship offer 2020/2021

Restricted access to students enrolled in the training

( password required )

You have the possibility of carrying out your internship in a laboratory of your choice as long as the subject is related to the GenE2 training. Below you will find internship offers from our partner laboratories validated by the teaching team:

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